Doppelherz® Pharma MINOXIDIL Hair Regrowth Sloutuon for MEN - 3 Month Supply

  • $49.50

Doppelherz® Pharma MINOXIDIL Hair Regrowth Sloutuon for MEN

3x60 ml bottles for 3 Months

Doppelherz Minoxidil -  For the treatment of hereditary hair loss in men

  • stimulates hair growth
  • stabilizes the course in the tonsure area of ​​the scalp with a diameter of 3-10 cm in adult men between 18 and 49 years of age
  • can counteract the progression of hair loss
  • 3 x 60 ml bottles (use for three months) 
  • Pharmacy only

Hair loss - a sensitive topic

Beautiful, lush and shiny hair is an expression of attractiveness and youthfulness. However, when the head of hair dwindles over time, it is a serious problem for most sufferers.

Basically, hair loss is a completely natural process: an average of 100 hairs a day is completely normal, after washing your hair it can even be more. However, if you notice that a lot more hair is falling out and it is not growing back as vigorously as usual, then this could indicate a form of pathological hair loss. In most cases, the cause can only be clarified medically.

There are various reasons for hair loss. By far the most common is  hereditary or  hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) : about 60-80% of men and 20-30% of women are affected.

Minoxidil - and the hair root is stimulated

The crux of hereditary hair loss is that the classic measures only promise limited improvement. This is where the active ingredient Minoxidil can help . However, the beginning and extent of hair growth can vary from person to person and cannot be predicted.
In the case of hereditary hair loss, the hair follicles (hair roots) atrophy in some areas of the scalp. Hair growth is stimulated by applying MINOXIDIL DoppelherzPharma for men directly to the scalp: the blood vessels dilate locally and the blood flow to the scalp increases. In this way, the  blood and nutrient supply to the hair follicles can  be stimulated again. This is considered the main mode of action of minoxidil.

There MINOXIDIL DoppelherzPharma  for men is applied externally as a solution, it acts directly on the spot - on the scalp.



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