6xPack Tchibo Gourmet Türk Kahvesi (Turkish Ground Coffee) - 620 g +FREE Senseo Classic Coffee Pads -16 Pads
6xPack Tchibo Gourmet Türk Kahvesi (Turkish Ground Coffee
The extra fine grinding, the perfect thickness of the foam and its strong taste make each cup a highly enjoyable coffee experience.
To prepare Türk Kahvesi
The original Turkish coffee is prepared in a Turkish mocha pot, the Cezve (Ibrik).
Such a cezve is first filled with cold water - about 50 ml per cup. Bring the water to a boil in Cezve and then remove the cezve from the stove.
Only then add the coffee - 1 heaped tsp (per cup of water used) - and boil again on a low heat, stirring occasionally.
Once the coffee lathers, remove the cezve from the heat and stir a few times. Then put the mocha on the stove again and let it froth. With good Turkish mocha, each cup should be covered by a thick foam blanket. For this you can skim the foam after the first boil and distribute it in the cups. (The more often you let the mocha foam, the thicker the coffee and the more intense the taste.)
Expired 10/21
Seneo Classic Coffee Pads - 16 pads